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Our Lab Certification

 we provide excellent products and service to our customers.

Excellent stability

Twice as many insertions as the industry standard
The number of times the product is inserted and unplugged is twice as high as the industry test standard (no less than 500 times in the industry, we can achieve no less than 1000 times the test standard, the card holder is no less than 5000 times the plugging and unplugging)

Long service life

More than 5 years of use
Lifetime warranty of more than 5 years in a normal environment, more than twice the life and reliability of conventional board-to-board products, and more than 10 years for automotive products


Sustained antioxidant for more than three years
We use pure copper, phosphor bronze, beryllium copper and other high quality copper materials, and have our own plating factory to effectively control the quality of gold plating, to ensure the thickness of the plating, salt spray up to 48H, the product can maintain the oxidation resistance for more than three years!

Good temperature resistance

Withstands temperature variations of 145°C
Can work in extreme temperatures between -40°C and 105°C, with a torque of 3.5-4kgf for the same screw, and up to 7kgf for the JLL connector Min


How to choose a connector

The dimensions of the connectors are very important as there is a certain space limitation for the connection of the product, especially for single board connectors, which must not interfere with other components. The choice is based on the space available and the location.


How to choose a supplier of terminal blocks

Currently in the market. The price of the terminal blocks bought on the market is relatively high for good quality ones. Poor quality is also a lot. For many manufacturers in order to save costs, the production process is not standardized, causing – a series of use Problems. So how do choose a terminal manufacturer? What are the selection considerations? 

looking for solution in Electronic connectors industry

We are a professional manufacturer of precision connectors, contact us for professional total connector solutions.